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Beijing Valvice Machinery Co.,Ltd

 Beijing Valvice Machinery Co., Ltd (be called for short as BVM) is the leading agency and supplier of imported valves, actuators, tube fittings and etc. Its predecessor is the industrial section of the Beijing Talent Trade Co., Ltd (be called as BTT). BVM is founded in December 2010. Its registered fund is 5.2 million RMB.  We supply the valves in accordance with the worldwide quality standard ISO9001. It has offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and Xi'an. The HongKong Talent International Co., Ltd with independent legal entity is responsible for the international business for BVM.

   Its predecessor is the industrial section of the Beijing Talent Trade Co., Ltd (be called as BTT). Beijing Valvice became the exclusive distributor of the SAFELOK Components Ltd in China since September, 2001 which start from BTT. The products we sell include: globe valves, instrument valves, steam trap valves, ball valves, check valves, relief valves, Double block and bleed valves and valve manifolds and so on which are used with high performance in the industries of petrochemical industry, thermal power plant, light industry, papermaking, offshore oil, natural gas transmission pipeline, oil pipeline and vehicle gas filling station and so on. 
       Since its foundation, we have engaged in sales and service on imported valves and parts.  Our key staff have worked on the industry of automatic control valves since 1986 and they all have rich specialized knowledge and product service experience. We set up lots of offices across the country with professional and rapid service. We are aimed at offering excellent products and perfect service to customer in the industry of valves and parts.
    Our company has many years of working experience in lots of industries, such as electricity industry, marine oil industry, natural gas industry, chemical industry and nuclear power etc.. We have gained the good credit and well-deserved reputation from customer by offering top-ranking products and high-class service. We are in conformity with the principle of honesty and trustworthiness in order to provide customers top-ranking products and impeccable technical services.

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